Title; I've been asked by a progressive lib I know for some "neutral" sources on the news. Obviously no such thing exists, but what can I throw his way that won't make him balk? Ideally stuff with a minimum of problematic shit that needs to be explained away, we don't have a long-standing or ongoing relationship so I would prefer it to stand on its own.

ETA: Thanks for the help everyone, I sent him a nice-sized list to peruse, so here's hopin' those seeds sprout.

  • Kuori [she/her]
    3 years ago

    This is a great suggestion, thank you. :) I'm not sure how he feels on podcasts but it's going on the list regardless.

      • Kuori [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Another excellent suggestion that totally fled my brain when he asked. Also going on the list, thank you. :soviet-heart: