• Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Then Poe had the “do I talk?”

    I was sitting in a theater in December 2015. I had been waiting for months with bated breath to see my slop. I had driven some distance from where I live to see the film in IMAX for some reason. And it was at this moment, no more than five minutes into the film, that I realized the entire Disney Star Wars project was going to be a complete wash.

    I read most of the shit books they put out leading up to the movie. I read most of the shit comics.

    But Rogue One was decent. Kinda.

    Then, December 2017. I had been waiting for months with bated breath to see my slop. I had driven some distance from where I live to see the film in IMAX for some reason. The visionary auteur Rion Johnson was going to single-handedly save Star Wars from the hacks and the fools who made TFA. The movie opens with a 'yo momma' joke and I realize at this moment, one minute into the film, that the entire Disney Star Wars project was going to be a complete wash.

    In a somewhat disappointing epilogue to this story I saw Solo under duress when a friend asked me to go. It was a bad movie, but I didn't care.