So it turns out the nypd RPD held down and strangled a man in distress untill he died. This happened MONTHS before George Floyd, but it was apparently buried. Recently they released the bodycam footage, showing he pleaded for the police not to shoot as he was disabled, which prompted them to cover his head with an "anti spittle/bite" hood and knelt on him until he died.

From what i've read, no cops have been fired, let alone charged with anything.

No jokes this time.. i'm sad and knackered and i don't know if i have anything insightful to say about this.. but couldn't find this on the chat, i felt like we should know and not let the murder go unknown.

    • Harabec [they/them]
      4 years ago

      it probably will. Those who control capital will recreate the police if we don't. FBI/ATF/DEA/USPSIS/USSS will become more involved absent cops and while we won't have local cops entering every brown person who wears a colorful backpack on the way home from school into a gang database, we'll have to deal with "community partnership" and "outreach" programs between law enforcement and "communities". By "community" they always mean a handful of Karens, local priests, small business assholes, and one or two people who run a co-opted outreach program that has a multimillion dollar endowment and helps twenty kids at a time.

      • Harabec [they/them]
        4 years ago

        The only way we win this thing is by going outside, talking to our neighbors, building solidarity and community.

        How many of you know your neighbors' names? How many of you can spell the names of Game of Thrones characters?