There is no real or theoretical act of mayhem or cruelty or evil that would ever make the liberals stop, evaluate what they are doing, and break from their beliefs. Trump joked that he could shoot someone in the streets and get away with it. Joe actually murdered hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and tens of thousands of Palestinians and the small d democrats are 100%, through and through convinced that anyone who refuses to participate in genocide is acting in bad faith and moreover that they are idiots because can't you see the hypothetical genocide they made up is worse than the actual, real, existing genocide?

There's literally nothing that Joe or any of the other big D Democrats could do that would shake their faith or make them turn on the party. The party cannot fail, it can only be failed. It is true, sickening, mindless fanaticism, somehow worse because it lacks all passion.

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    7 months ago

    Glad for this comment. There's a lot of sayings I've heard around most of my left circles that boil down to "many socialists are former libs who took their ideology too seriously". I feel that in my bones as someone who hopped from Obama-era liberalism onto "Democratic Socialism", which amounted to what was effectively Social Democracy, a year into Trump (or rather the Democrats' performative outrage over him) and Communism by 2019/2020. It's a mistake to lump in people who are actually involved in figuring out a solution even within a liberal framework and might give a fuck about something other than the Wednesday special at their local grocer with the Brunch libs who are more hateful towards the people pointing out the problem than the perpetrators themselves.

    Even in the latter group, in my experience, there are many who are just apathetic and ignorant telling themselves that the toxic lefties are exaggerating things to ignore whatever issue, but have changed as people after seeing the visceral ugliness transpiring in Palestine through social media. The average person is deeply disturbed by seeing a little girl's dismembered corpse hanging from a wall but can no longer just brush that off as "they'll punish whoever did this" or "that's how things just are in that part of the world" when it's the US and its vassal state committing stuff like this on the daily with full impunity. Israel in its entirety represents a gaping wound in the illusion of a triumphalist liberal new order where full-throated imperialism and settler-colonialism are things for the history books. It's a new world after 20 years of the "GWOT", though whether that is ultimately for the better or worse is still to be seen.