• Joe Biden's Superfans Think the Rest of America Has Lost Its Mind - The New York Times

I love the photo they used to accompany the article. It really screams superfan energy.


Two dozen? That many?

In interviews with nearly two dozen of these Democrats — many of them older, and most of them women — they sounded by turns beleaguered, bewildered and protective. “I’m sorry Joe doesn’t know how much I love him, but I do love Joe,” said Constance Wynn, 73, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. “I don’t even know why people want to pester the man, because the man has things to do.”

More from Biden's young folks supporters.

“He came out of retirement to save the country, save our democracy, a fight for the soul of our nation — he didn’t have to run for president,” Mr. Galban said. “He made it his mission to take our country back from Donald Trump.”

A Philly lawn sign guy

Some of Mr. Biden’s biggest supporters, unsurprisingly, are in Philadelphia politics. He was born in Scranton, Pa., and Jill Biden is a Philadelphia sports fan. The president has visited the city frequently since taking office.

Jim Donnelly, the leader of the 58th Ward, in the city’s conservative-leaning northeast, said he had at least seven Biden signs on his front lawn. He has gotten into fights with his neighbors who have vandalized or stolen them.

Aside from cops, firefighters and his barber, he said, “Everybody I talk to loves Joe Biden.” Among his reasons for supporting Mr. Biden, he listed the president’s well-known friendliness to train conductors, his foreign policy experience and his record of job creation.

The end of the article

Ms. Russell, the Biden backer on Earp Street in Philadelphia, said there was only one thing she would change about Mr. Biden — the flip of white hair on the back of his neck, which sometimes sticks out over his suit collar. “It drives me nuts,” she said. “Just trim it!”

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    I get why Obama had super fans. Hell, even Hillary, sure I understand why some libs love her. Don’t agree, but understand. Biden, though, no comprende. There’s nothing there, no personality to hinge a cult on. It’s like saying your favorite food is saltine crackers.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      I am "That Well Adjusted Biden guy". Formerly "What Biden Has Done". If you support my work sucking farts out of Biden's ass I encourage you to check out Thanks!

    • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      This is slander towards Saltine crackers. They have an appeal, and I like them to take on hikes and such. Biden is just useless, mybe he is closer to something actively harmful like sturgeon caviar. Only tastes like salt and a bit like fish, only available to rich people, responsible for the almost extermination of an entire species.

  • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
    4 months ago

    Ayo I'm convinced that these Biden simps are just casted extras from The West Wing who never got the memo that the series ended long ago.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      casted extras from The West Wing

      Now I'm sad because I'm thinking of all the things the NYT reporter didn't do. Imagine how excited somebody like the extras would have been had he called them. It would be a dream for them.

      "Mr. Bradford - while you were at lunch the New York Times called."

      "I gave you a raise just a couple weeks ago. And I have told you how I do not like jokes. Yet you say this."

      "I'm serious. He said it would be entirely unprofessional to say what it concerned. He couldn't resist telling me. I'm very convincing."

      "That you are."

      "Yeah. I pumped him for information. I didn't know you were an extra on The West Wing."

      "So many years ago. I had more hair then." Why did I say that? Note to self - stop flirting with Taylor!

      Smiling: "He wanted to talk to you about Biden for his superfan article."

      "I don't know what to say to that."

      "I look forward to reading your quotes in the Times!"

      The little minx. He smiles quickly before he exits stage right into his office.

  • eight [it/its]
    4 months ago

    we should rebrand hexbear as the #1 Biden Fan Site

      • JayTwo [any]
        4 months ago

        The author seems overly sympathetic to them. Imo they're just so out of touch with the world that their intention, to show readers what Biden's dedicated followers see in him in the hope more will see the light, doesn't come off as intended.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          I meant that the author choose the wrong people to interview. Sure, there needs to be lots of middle aged or old people because they are most likely superfans. But the article's vibe is the editor wanted to get readers off his back so he decided to publish a quickie article written by a halfwit who did the article with little or no thought. He grabbed some randos who said they loved Biden and interviewed them.

          To me - none of them seemed to be actually passionate - with the exception of the young weirdo. The author could have contacted a reddit sub (r/neoliberal) or whatever and interviewed them too. People like them are Biden's real superfans.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      Are you saying he should cheat on his partner? They are mentioned in the photo caption.

      Don't tell me you don't read the captions. That would be naughty.

    • huf [he/him]
      4 months ago

      pfff, a cardboard cutout? a real superfan would have a biden real doll

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    TheBigAdios comments on Joe Biden's Superfans Think the Rest of America Has Lost Its Mind - NYT | A Smorgasbord of Unlovable Losers

    I remember the 2012 election well enough to remember there was a period of low enthusiasm for Obama among all but the most party line liberals. There’s a reason the DNC dragged Bill Clinton to the pulpit to speak at the convention, and it’s because Clinton actually had more clout and brand recognition among Democrats - especially those older Gen Xers born in the 60s for whom the 90s were probably the peak of of their existence - and suddenly Obama’s numbers were up.

    Barely I should add; people have forgotten just how close that election actually was and all because Mitt was such an obvious snake.

    Well, the low enthusiasm from 2012 is even lower for Biden this year and the tone around him has only gotten more desperate. And while I fully expect them to pull the same move by bringing back Barack to the DNC convention to whip Dem voters in line, I doubt it’s going to have the same impact. Biden has far fewer cards in his favor than Barack Hussein “Luckier than a dog with two dicks” (to quote Slick Willy) Obama ever had in his career.

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      JFC that’s not even true, Obama’s numbers got lifted because they hammered Romney on his tenure at Bain Capital strip mining the rust belt, ad after ad of beaten down flyover country folk talking about how Romney took away their good-paying blue collar jobs. A tactic Hillary failed to repeat with Trump. No one gets swayed by who speaks at the conventions.

      • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        "Convention speaking order is a real election game-changer" is a position that could only be held by someone so far up their own ass that I'm astounded they can even write.

  • AernaLingus [any]
    4 months ago

    Man, and I thought people were parasocical for streamers