Doing something against nazis works better then doing nothing and saying nothing works :surprised-pika:

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    2 years ago

    don't want to talk over (though i kinda am with interjecting anyways), but i think this is aimed more at ancap shit? they specified reddit, and ancaps are notorious for harping on about government (unit of regulation) comparative to actual, non-capitalist anarchists (esp the ones that are here) are more so critical of the state (unit of force)? direct democratic/horizontal governance is still technically a government, just one that is very decentralized.

    might be wrong, if it is in fact a potshot then :cringe:

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think it was targeted at ancaps, but I think you already have to be anti-sectarian to get there. I was making a little comment to dis-aggregate it in the minds of people who might go to anti-anarchist places.