All over social media I’m seeing people saying it’s in support of Palestine. I’m also seeing a TON of ads for people selling them claiming that purchasing one is a form of support for Palestine. I’ve noted that most of them do not specify that proceeds are going to aid, just a more general form of support.

I just saw one white burgerlander insist that wearing one is the bare minimum for anyone who cares about Palestine because by adopting the clothing, you’re preventing total genocide by making sure their culture survives. To me that reads like the most unhinged justification for cultural appropriation I’ve ever heard. Even using cultural appropriation as a value-neutral term, it’s appropriation, not immersion and adoption. It does not prevent the people from being murdered who actually are of that culture you’re saying you’re preserving.

Am I missing something? I’m a white burgerlander myself so it’s very possible. Does wearing/buying these actually support Palestinians in any way? Or is it just quickly becoming the next liberal simulacrum for activism?

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Am I missing something? I’m a white burgerlander myself so it’s very possible.

    I swear white people make everything more complicated than necessary.

    Are you a westerner wearing it and claiming to “resist” oppression while doing nothing - not showing up for protests, not reaching out to Muslims and Arabs, not educating yourself on the history outside of TikTok shorts, not educating your ignorant friends and family on their patronage to complicit businesses that have alternatives, etc? If yes -> cultural appropriation

    Are you doing all those things and happen to be a westerner? If yes -> cultural appropriation discussion not really relevant

    Are you using it for its intended purpose (protection from sun, wind, or for warmth)? If yes -> not cultural appropriation

    As for whether it’s helping Palestinians, yes and maybe and no.

    Yes: only one factory in Palestine is producing these keffiyehs (Hirbawi). Your money helps the workers of this factory, but maybe not larger groups of people like refugees. I don’t know how they’re handling proceeds, but they’re not making fuck you money. It’s not combatting genocide. You’re helping feed a couple people and keeping the culture in the mainstream conscious.

    Maybe: Hirbawi has a list of approved international vendors. These shops sell nothing but the Hirbawi keffiyehs. Obviously they get a cut to operate, but I’m HOPING that the majority of the proceeds go back to Palestine. Some orgs are also reselling them in order to raise funds for their orgs or for aid towards Palestine. Do your due diligence on the orgs and ask them about where they got the keffiyehs. Also, the blockade in Palestine means that product is slow to ship to vendors.

    No: there are a lot of bootlegs out there. Shit from china and who knows where. Be VERY wary of random accounts/people selling these, especially if they have 0 association with any org. I know a few ghouls who sell knockoffs that come in fancy little packaging and it makes no mention of Hirbawi or where the proceeds go. If they’re selling authentic ones, then one could argue they already gave money to Palestinians, but an up charge leaves a bad taste for me. On the other hands, reselling some random mass produced shit is inexcusable because no Palestinian sees the money. The ghouls mentioned above are a couple of influencers (IRL) who do this - the worst part is that they’re also Palestinian (though American); it’s not custom made or anything, just some mass produced Chinese product, and there’s no indication of any money being sent anywhere.