All over social media I’m seeing people saying it’s in support of Palestine. I’m also seeing a TON of ads for people selling them claiming that purchasing one is a form of support for Palestine. I’ve noted that most of them do not specify that proceeds are going to aid, just a more general form of support.

I just saw one white burgerlander insist that wearing one is the bare minimum for anyone who cares about Palestine because by adopting the clothing, you’re preventing total genocide by making sure their culture survives. To me that reads like the most unhinged justification for cultural appropriation I’ve ever heard. Even using cultural appropriation as a value-neutral term, it’s appropriation, not immersion and adoption. It does not prevent the people from being murdered who actually are of that culture you’re saying you’re preserving.

Am I missing something? I’m a white burgerlander myself so it’s very possible. Does wearing/buying these actually support Palestinians in any way? Or is it just quickly becoming the next liberal simulacrum for activism?

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    Their rationale is dumb but generally speaking a Palestinian pattern kufiyah is a way to signal solidarity. This is not virtue signaling as it is actually useful to show this support and show that you may be a safe person to talk to in an islamophobic country. Zionists should be getting drowned out in waves of support for Palestine and this is a tiny way to help get us there.

    PS get a Hirbawi one if you want the consumption aspect to support Palestinians. They're made in the West Bank and are owned by Palestinians.