• UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I sometimes have no choice, moreso in my previous school and work environments.

    The reason I post so often about capital-R "Rationalists" is that I had classes with, argued with, and sometimes got to watch such "Rationalists" ride the cryptofascist Slip-N'-Slide in real time, from anti-creationist dunk videos to frothing at the mouth about feminists and SJWs when "GamerGate" became a thing and some even embraced :jordan-eboy-peterson: as their "Cultural Christian" lord and savior eventually. Some even went to Charlottesville or were there for the Jan 6 chudfest. Others remained, as they put it, "nonpolitical" and just worship billionaires and await techno-rapture once :my-hero: receives enough subsidies.

    I only voluntarily communicate with :LIB: s and my tabletop group is almost entirely :LIB: s. They're less bazinga than the "Rationalists" but I sometimes have to hear whoppers such as "ELO~N should stop tweeting and instead focus on what he's good at" and I have to very carefully chip away at that statement by making them ponder what ELO~N is good at, exactly. I got one to admit that ELO~N is just a marketing guy and not much else, but he insisted that the marketing was super duper important because "electric cars are important and before ELO~N no one cared about them." :so-true: