I need to think on this.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I watch some movies and shows that have some pretty terrible philosophical and political messages and have fandoms that can be even worse. I also play some online games that are loaded with chuds and have settings and stories that are pure ideology. I eat from those trash cans all the time. :zizek:

    I have my limits, of course. Some chud (or even just concentrated :LIB: ) slop is unbearable to me.

    I get called a joyless scold and get told to "touch grass" a lot on Hexbear when I criticize particular treats, especially ones that are very not leftist, but the difference from my eating from the trash can and theirs is that I can accept and acknowledge the problems and continue watching or playing instead of hissing like an enraged opossum trying to defend the treat nest as if it was in danger from the criticism. :possum-mama: