With Russia outgunning Ukraine’s artillery at an estimated 15-1 it looks like the main tool for halting Russia’s advance is about to start running at marginal effectiveness. Ukraine’s main industrial hubs are either already occupied, have incredibly difficult issues with supply lines, or have sustained physical damage, and artillery has been one of Ukraine’s most effective tools at slowing the Russian advance. The fact that Ukraine is simply using this ammunition faster than the west is willing to donate and faster than Ukraine’s domestic production can keep up with does not bode well for their ability to mount a meaningful defense for much longer. The last aid package passed by the US bought Ukraine only about 2 weeks worth of artillery shells.

read the article here

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I think Russia feels this won't be the only war supported by weapons from the west so they need to be careful. There may be others, with better plans and better equipment.

    • 20000bannedposters [love/loves]
      2 years ago

      I was watching a lot of mic content last month.

      Russia has passed the usa in many aspects.

      But I'm sure they don't want the usa to figure out it's weaknesses also