Anecdotal and I'd love to be wrong about this, buuuut I'm in the rural midwest rn and all of the wheat fields in like a 75 mile radius from me look like they're absolutely fucked.

It's basically all turned gold already which is super early for it, especially because it's still short as fuck, like maybe a foot tall — it's usually still green until it's like 4 feet tall. The people who've lived here for a long time have been talking about how abnormal it is. I'm not a wheat scientist and haven't really gotten into with anyone who knows what they're actually talking about so I don't totally know what it means, but I know it doesn't mean anything good

Prob a good idea to stock up on food if you've got the means


  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Republicans, it’ll be the playbook for countries that are starting to teeter towards socialism

    haha. Canada isn't going to start teetering towards socialism, or even social democracy :sadness: