• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 months ago

    My brother in christ TikTok is literally run by old NATO ghouls.

    It's amazing how fixated they are on it.

    • LibsEatPoop [any]
      4 months ago

      They wanna take away my tictacs cuz that's where I get exposed to anti-Israel vidyas.

      Seriously, the Tiktok algorithm is fucking goated. I get two things: Pro-Palestine stuff (that makes me sad and angry cuz its about genocide and attrocities) followed by stand up comedy (that makes me laugh, allowing me to keep scrolling).

  • copandballtorture [ey/em]
    4 months ago

    In authoritarian North Korea, only government-approved apps with pre-approved content vetted by government censors are distributed to the people

  • jackmarxist [any]
    4 months ago

    The invisible hand of the Free Market (The American Government)

  • CarbonScored [any]
    4 months ago

    Unless you have Pentagon secrets saved on your phone or something, what difference is spying from China ever going to make? I'm far more worried about spying by agencies in my own or allied countries, as in those cases the information is infinitely more likely to be used against me.