Fuck Morning Star
You mean this Morning Star? The one that says:
OWNED BY OUR READERS We're a reader-owned co-operative, which means you can become part of the paper too by buying shares in the People’s Press Printing Society.
Comrade, I think you’re thinking of South China Morning Post.
(Which, for the record, is a land of contrasts. It’s what the New York Times would be if it didn’t have the rampant Sinophobia, but kept its bourgeois allegiance.)
But yes, please read more mainland media. Another good one is Qiushi, the CPC’s theoretical journal.
Comes with being british. I can't find any Chinese paper named Morning Star, I feel like OP was in fact referring to SCMP
The Morning Star are also very iffy with fact checking. I remember a time when they printed some very damning quotes about the US’s attitude to Hiroshima. I got all excited, but when I tried to track them down it only lead back to a book by a crazy nazi conspiracy theorist who was a broken clock striking right. He hadn’t sourced anything either.
I emailed them about it and they did take it down, but they never replied to me, nor did they issue a statement about it.
Yeah, they are even cleaner than other sites with an adblocker. It’s refreshing.
Stan Kelly would be proud: http://en.people.cn/n3/2022/0616/c90000-10110358.html
In the People’s Daily news network they have a whole site with political cartoons under the Global Times moniker:
https://www.globaltimes.cn/opinion/cartoon/index.htmlnice! this one is great https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202107/1229610.shtml
wow, even their political comics seem fresher. we're still stuck with these -> :19: weird ass homunculi.
Additional info if anyone wants more options for People’s Daily.
At the bottom of their page is a link that says “People’s Daily app” that leads to an alternate front-end with a different layout and better (but longer) URLs that have actual text instead of numbers in them (looks less sketchy when sharing):
https://peoplesdaily.pdnews.cn/So the article “China's deep space exploration laboratory starts operation” goes from:
To a link that looks more in line with other news sites:
https://peoplesdaily.pdnews.cn/tech/china-s-deep-space-exploration-laboratory-starts-operation-265432.htmlAnd that site has app links:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.peopleapp.en https://apps.apple.com/app/peoples-daily-人民日报英文官方客户端/id1294031865
App settings include notification options and categories can be selected/moved around a bit.https://www.codecademy.com/resources/blog/what-is-front-end/
Generally speaking, the front end is the user-facing part of a website.
This includes the buttons, layouts, inputs, text, images, and more. It's the overall look of the website.
Basically that they both pull news stories from shared sources but look different.
The https://en.people.cn/ one is ok as well, they both have pluses and minuses and for articles are arranged differently. Having both links might be beneficial.PDnews articles in browser load narrower text for articles that don’t go full-width but that might be different depending on browser settings.
The apps have a “Aa” button on the top-right corner of stories to change font size for readability as well as a default selection under settings.Also websites can set up with custom CSS to change the look/layout and there’s probably a way to adjust People so that the columns are narrower. Should be straightforward to search for how, don’t know offhand.