Definitely worth the six figure salary

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    They just went in far too early, complete miscalculation. I guess they thought they needed to set the narrative from the start but they've fucked up by demonstrating very very clearly that they're not unbiased and that's set the working public against them.

    This will set up all the other unions for followup action and all of them will get public support. The only ones that I have concerns about are the energy companies, people may conflate workers there with the 50% to 300% price rises they're feeling in their households and that they don't deserve it. I'm not completely confident that people will split striking energy workers from their bosses and company owners in germany and the rest of europe.

    It might be possible to solve that by simply including them in a General Strike rather than having their own independent strike.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Agreed, a general strike apart from being obviously stronger would help keep the focus where it should be. Short of that, if energy workers strike they need a strong line and narrative that neutralises that attack; something along the lines of "our members work for these price-gouging companies and, like millions of others, don't even get paid enough to afford their own outrageous energy bills".

      • Awoo [she/her]
        2 years ago

        There's no guarantee they'll let a union rep into the media again after Lynch, can't rely on being able to properly publicise that message to the audiences that the media reaches who do not get their information from any other source.

        • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
          2 years ago

          In a General Strike situation I imagine they won't, but while it's individual unions I suspect they will to try and pick them apart, look for weaker links who can be bullied by the media, and try and play them against each other. Mick might not be getting many more bookings before long though, although saying that it's not his first time on the media merry go round anyway.

          But you're right that the messaging has to come from outside the traditional media too; union releases, Twitter campaigns, friendly independent media, satellite figures etc and of course in the street too ideally.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            2 years ago

            What we desperately need to take advantage of is any opportunity in media to plug alternative media. Tell people to view direct sources for information, the RMT twitter, Trades Union Congress, etc etc. Take every opportunity given to us in the media to plug alt-media because it disempowers traditional media.

            In the UK we should genuinely be looking at Trump and his attack on the media in the US as a model to follow but from the left. Get people to recognise television as not presenting the whole story and tell people to go to the source and hear it directly from us because you're not going to get the right information when they decide to put a liberal Labour MP next to a Tory MP to talk about it instead of the union reps.

            • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
              2 years ago

              Absolutely. This has been my go to for a long time.

              It's just a shame the left in this country doesn't have better signal boosting media. Novara (despite often being pretty cringe) aren't bad for union boosting stuff, but they're shite at playing the social media algorithms and seem to have pretty much stagnated in terms of reach. For all the many, many challenges for leftism in the states at least there's a more robust alternative media with more reach.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                2 years ago

                Novara are unfortunately targeting middle class and university-educated audiences which would be completely turned off by algorithm chasing shit because they're not as poisoned as americans are. The online landscape being all american companies is an issue and there's no low-brow bottom of the barrel left media that's willing to do anything and everything regardless of reputation it might create for chasing the bottom of the barrel that all these shite american social media companies promote.

                The other side of this is also that chasing algorithms doesn't actually get you in front of British audiences, it gets you in front of Americans. I do think we need more some bottom of the barrel leftist media here though, right now we've got Novara, Double Down News and a rough coalition of independents. It's not nearly enough. We need a genuinely funny dirtbag left group with preferably rev-left tendencies but played skillfully. We have enough middle class and academic targeting shit between Novara, Owen Jones etc.