• freagle@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    Update your analysis. The USA is the international reservoir of fascism. It's not "going to be fascist" and it's not new that fascists have nukes because the USA nuked civilians it considered bugs (Japanese, Asians in general) as a show of force to scare people it considered beneath them (Slavs). The European fascists were inspired by the American project and in particular the moderns forms of slavery, eugenics, and genocide that were perfected in the USA after they inherited them from England (eugenics), Holland (slave trade), Spain (genocide through rape and Catholic conversion), and France (genocide through ever larger scales of efficient mass murder).

    When the world's only worker state defeated the fascists and marched to Berlin, the USA got involved in order to keep the fascists alive long enough to save them, in concert with the Catholic Church. Through Operation Paperclip they moved fascists all over the world, gave them tender love and caring protection, new identities, jobs, money, and property. Through the establishment of NATO they created the world's first nuclear-armed transnational military staffed entirely with Western Europeans who believed in eugenics, white supremacy, and even made many Nazi officers into NATO officers. Through Operation Gladio the USA used NATO to gather, protect, operationalize, train, arm, fund, modernize, develop and use the fascist militias all over Europe that emerged before, during, and after the Third Reich. To this day the USA continues to veto UN resolutions condemning fascism and banning the glorification of Nazis.

    When we update our understanding with this context, it requires us to rethink what's happening in the West, how it's not a repetition of a mistake but rather an evolution of an ongoing and continuous process, and not through some mystical psycho-social lens but through a historical materialist lens. The USA was always and will always be fascist, which is why USA businessmen funded the Third Reich and there was a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in the 1930s. What's happening now is that same power structure losing control of global economics and global propaganda, while simultaneously the resistance has developed low-tech guerilla and hybrid-conventional strategies and tactics for protracted war against the empire.

    The USA has only ever been one step away from industrialized mass murder domestically, and it may begin that if its border policies and its prison administration cannot manage the disruption caused by the restless masses. The USA is an active police state with near universal surveillance and has been for decades. After the Red Scare died down, it's only ever been one step away from rounding up, deporting, and executing leftists for their political positions. The question for us is "under what conditions will it make sense for these steps to be taken?"

    • Kaplya
      6 months ago

      Appreciate your write-up, but at present, Biden is still closer to a progressive liberal. Trump is a fascist though…

      • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        Biden personally championed laws in Congress to fund and arm the Israeli colonial army, to increase imprisonment of black people, to make such imprisonment worse and longer, and to increase the power and impunity of police. He increased the number of migrants imprisoned, increased the use of solitary confinement (torture) for asylum seekers, and oversaw a continuing degradation of life expectancy, quality of life, and labor power in the USA. He continues to use threaten war, including nuclear war, on chosen geopolitical rivals.

        The "liberal progressive" you mention is an aesthetic, it's not a material reality.