I'm looking for a new laptop for work and realised that all the programs I use also run on Mac OS. I can't find a windows laptop (within the same price range) that is as thin/light, with such good battery life.
Only problem is that everytime I've had to use Mac OS on someone else's computer, I've hated it.
As in you can use it to delete the character to the right of the cursor, not the one to the left? I know Macs have a key labeled "delete" but it's actually just a backspace key
Death to America
Delete is Two keys pressed at the same time and no we’re not going to tell you which ones. Perhaps around a campfire the elders of MacOS will reveal this ancient wisdom.
more like cringeOS lmao gottem
Death to America
it's too bad you can't use a computer to find information about its keyboard
you can use it to do either
I've just googled it an apparently fn+backspace = delete on Mac. Absolutely barbaric, why would anyone subject themselves to this
Death to America
the only people with num pads or those separate function keys in 2022 are g*mers, and leaving the main keyboard is slower than pressing two keys at once anyhow
Plenty of non-g*mers have full sized keyboards, how dare you accuse me of g*ming. Leaving the main keyboard is only slower than pressing two buttons simultaneously if you aren't used to it. To me the reverse is true bc that's what I'm used to
Death to America