from Darker Nations by Vijay Prashad, page 174

i just want the world to be less miserable :sadness-abysmal:

  • geikei [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Underrated historicaly (cause communist sectarian mistakes earlier on is always the focus) but a whole bunch of Spanish Anarchists (especialy from the CNT-FAI) played a significant part and collaborated with fascists in the successfull Francoist aligned coup led by Colonel Casado against the Popular Front communist sympathetic government led by Negrin in 1939 . Thats because they were fed a extra red scare bullshit about Negrin planning a bolshevik takeover of the popular front but mostly because were promised to be able to have peace with Franco and surrender in good conditions after the dissolve the Communist-aligned government (that still wanted to fight). The anarchist divisions were the most imporant and instrumental in the casado-ist side in the battle and fall of madrid and government and turned the tide and its arguable that if the coup failed the popular front Government may well have held out until the outbreak of the Second World War, or at least could have gone down fighting. Of course anarchists didnt get shit by Franco afterwards and were quickly forced into an unconditional surrender

      • geikei [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Googled the verse and an american punk band in florida writing an "im an anarchist" song in 2002 and having the first verse be whinning about spanish civil war sectarianism and and antistalinist larping is hillarious