• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      I mean, its a step up from the Pelosi/Feinstein strategy of telling supporters to fuck off.

      But let it never be said that Democrats don't know how to inflict party discipline. The Squad went in all fire and brimestone, only to come out meek as lambs. Just one more reason why electoralism sucks. Without a city-wide movement of labor activists to exert discipline over the politicians, all you get is angry posting and heckling from the sidelines while aristocrats run roughshod over the people.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          AOC, though I don’t think she is anywhere remotely near their neoliberal ghoulishness, is still building her cred to position herself as the future President.

          If she seriously has her eyes on the White House, she wasn't paying attention to the Sanders campaign.

          As it stands, she can't even get an ally into the mayor's office. I wouldn't hold my breath on the White House.

          Now, almost 15 years later, many of them either became disillusioned and left politics altogether, became radicalized into reactionaries, or became part of the ruling neoliberal ghouls. Such is the fate for soc dems.

          I guess time will tell, but I'd sooner predict AOC stepping down (or being squeezed out) than getting a promotion.