In the last week, I’ve noticed an increase in people talking about exit plans or emergency contingencies for those of us in America.

For my own purposes but also for others, what are some tips or tricks for prepping for ducking out for when shit really hits the fan?

I don’t really have any heritage/ descendant options for countries that offer that. Don’t have much savings but could have enough for a one way flight if I needed to.

Any suggestions welcome; I don’t want to be behind in my planning

  • Opposition [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    You can "move to China", but you have to have a bachelor's degree and a job lined up with an invitation letter. But that's just a temporary residence, renewed at 1 year intervals, and if anything happens to your job they give you ten days to pack up and leave the country.

    If you've got a Ph.D. or are in some hot industry like AI, the door is wide open. Very generous policies, housing help (40% of a house!), front of the line for visa renewals, and after 4-5 years an easy green card (which a lot of top talents don't even want as it affects their tax liability).

    Vietnam is no cakewalk either. Pretty much the same requirements for a job, degree, etc. The weather is hot all the time, and if it's not hot it's raining. Plus a few years back Vietnam got a reputation as "the next China" so you'll have to deal with the usual crowd of highly paid sexpats who love lording it over the local population and spend all of their time in bars, never learning more than 100 words of the local language, and complaining that the locals are stupid and inferior.