Blow my mind with some fringe shit that a lib would never even entertain, please, I'm bored

Death to America

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The Danish government knew about Operation Weserübung and the Nazi invasion in 1940 and agreed in advance to only put up token resistance (for instance the guns on the forts in the Copenhagen harbour all failed to fire that day) in exchange for a peaceful occupation and being allowed to stay in office.

    Also, the Danish political establishment was thrilled to get to use Nazi demands as an excuse for outlawing the communist party. Why else would they arrest more communists than those the Nazis had demanded?

    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, current ghoul and former Danish prime minister and NATO secretary general struck a deal with Erdogan to shut down the Kurdish broadcaster ROJ TV in exchange for getting the NATO job.

    ROJ TV had been broadcasting from Copenhagen for years and Turkey had been butthurt about it for just as long. Several complaints had been made over the years but every time the authorities reached the conclusion that ROJ TV had not broken any laws.

    But then Rasmussen who was prime minister at the time needed a new job. The economy was going to shit and he was looking for an escape hatch to avoid a humiliating electoral defeat. Rumor had it that he was applying for the NATO job but that his application was being vetoed by Erdogan who was butthurt about the Kurdish issue.

    Then, suddenly, the authorities made a U-turn and concluded that ROJ TV was supporting terrorism and revoked their broadcast license. Shortly after Rasmussen was appointed head of NATO.

    As a side note to make the story extra shitty, Rasmussen had made quite a name of himself on the right wing as a defender of freeze peach by supporting racist Muhammad cartoons published in the reactionary broadsheet Jyllandsposten.

    • NPa [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I have a document of insane conspiracy cork-board ramblings that I add to every time I read about some new deep state fuckery that Anders Fogh is involved in. I'm convinced he's the most Gladio prime minister we've had so far.

    • Opposition [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      The Danish government knew about Operation Weserübung and the Nazi invasion in 1940 and agreed in advance to only put up token resistance (for instance the guns on the forts in the Copenhagen harbour all failed to fire that day) in exchange for a peaceful occupation and being allowed to stay in office.

      Interesting! Got any sources (in English)? I'm intrigued.