Reminder that farmers in western/imperial core countries are rich land owners who owns all the machinery and relies on exploiting migrant labors; also known as kulaks. And the protest itself are mostly driven by environmentally destructive livestock farmers.

Meanwhile the truckers are bourgeois as they owns their means of production (truck) and they're protesting on the behalf of corporate interest fighting against unprofitable Covid measures.

edit: alright, the truck part is a very terrible take and that's on me

Also fuck you if you think service workers are not working class.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The Hazites are indeed a purely online reactionary "politics purely as aesthetics" phenomenon, but the Maupinites actually do exist IRL and are embarrassing.

      EDIT: Oh yeah and a reminder that idiot Hazite posting like this isn't a novel way of trying to make the tent bigger by "reaching out" to CHUDs, its *ust engaging in the exact same culture war brain poison that recenters politics on essentially meaningless aesthetic and cultural associations rather than material politics. One of the most prominent and successful examples of actual praxis ongoing right now in the US is the organizing drive among Starbucks service workers, but this shithead with an American flag on his avatar is more concerned with shitting on those workers because Starbucks baristas are culturally and aesthetically associated with liberal cosmopolitanism as a result of media influence. Thats how engaging in culture war on CHUD terms deranges your politics.