do with that info whatevery you may
edit: more information from the replies that I'm not going to validate:
He checked his phone at time 8:55. At 9.22 he tell his colleagues that his "wife has been shot". At 10.10 he exits the hallway.
Allowing yourself to be disarmed by cops while your wife is being slaughtered in the next room is exactly what the punisher would do
Yeah, its in his name, he punishes the court of law.
The whole thing gets more and more insane with every new evidence being furnished.
This should absolutely be the thing that gets the Defund The Police notion turned into real, tangible, specific changes with how policing is done in America. With a drive toward abolition.
If anyone doubted what we’ve being saying about the cops this should put it all to rest for good.
No we have to train the cops better and get more of them, we need to increase their funding!
In an infinite hallway with infinite cops, one of them would mistake a shadow for a black person and kill an active shooter by accident.
if these people had anything left that they could call human, they would disembowel themselves and ask that their ashes be spread in an undisclosed location
If they won't save their own spouses, of course they're not going to save someone else's kids.
I just watched the 90 min video and it was just fucking depressing. This 90 minute video shows what life is like in America. You got a violent culture that has too much power from a weapon that is delivering 45 rounds a minute. One person can hold off 30 heavily armed pigs with a gun. Then the pigs who do absolutely nothing and have figured out those kids are dead. Shit feels like any other time I’ve dealt with police and they pretty much tell me to”fuck off, you got insurance” after I make a police report. Then you got that bootlicking cop who stayed back as his wife died. Like he might know those kids were gone but it doesn’t make it alright. Then of course you got the most innocent of us all getting killed by both of these assholes with guns. It’s just sad to see the fact that they didn’t have to censor the kids yells after the cops stayed in that one corner because they were already dead.
You fucking putrid pig. You're armed, the love of your life is bleeding out on the ground and you check twitter. You won't even go to hell when you die.