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  • Lymbic_System [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    So everyone here needs to learn about the new rental backed security related shit going on with Blackrock, zillow, homie, ect. We are geting another 2008 except with no quaitive easing to save them shit is gonna be brutal this December. There is an episode on this machine kills that explains the situation. Stay safe out save as much food and stuff as you can.

    The really funny part is zillow and friends created automated home offering software, that speculated on homes, buying low sell 2 weeks later 70k more, thing is they didn't inspect many of the homes and people with fucked up houses realized this and sold to them. Mean while people with properly maintained homes never sold because they kept geting low balled by the software. So right now they are renting out the homes that aren't to fucked up and trying to recoup loses zillow lost half of its investment fund and has two current law suits from the board. Never forget these are captilists we are dealing with not nobels content with a steady income, gambling is second nature to these people.

    Tldr they are speculating on rental backed security now as soon as the intrest rates destroy the ability for most vulnerable business to operate people will stop being able to pay rent, que 2008 all over again except with inflation so if they bail out the investment losers we get really bad actual inflation.