I grew up around 99% chuds and 1% libs. I saw most of the chuds wear sunglasses, and I saw none of the libs wearing them

Because the libs didn't constantly ask me, "Minorities sure are shitty huh?" and the chuds did, I liked the libs more. Takeaway: no sunglasses

But I bought a cheap pair of sunglasses recently for driving, and it helps my driving-headaches. So comrades, am I compromised now?

  • buh [any]
    2 years ago

    Chuds wear sunglasses more so other people can’t see their eyes and so can’t tell what they’re looking at or how they’re feeling, it’s supposed to be some “alpha male” dominance thing

      • buh [any]
        2 years ago

        Weak, I hide my constant hangovers with a countenance of confusion and mild horror