i don't watch many movies. stop getting mad at stuff online and tell me what to watch

  • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    2 years ago

    Turbo hardcore basic hours, but the first six star wars movies and Rogue One are pretty good, the Indiania Jones movies are pretty good(obviously some stereotypes), the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy is pretty good, although the third one is a dip in quality(I still love it but that's cause the end message really resonates with me personally). Anything by Wes Anderson is fun, same goes for the Cohen brothers(some brainworms in Hail Caesar but whatever), Hitchcock films or Akira Kurosawa films are always good. Ghostbusters sucks politically but is a good comedy. Terminator is good horror. Dead Poets Society is kinda dated but I like it. Studio Ghibli films are fun if you're fine with something childish and whimsical. Paprika and Perfect Blue are some more mature anime films with really stunning animation. Groundhog day is worth a watch. Jim Henson films(not the muppet ones) are always interesting to watch, although made with children in mind.

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      2 years ago

      wrt anime takes - ghibli has a lot of great childish and whimsical films, but maybe don't look to all of their stuff for that. they did make grave of the fireflies as a double feature with totoro. and if you're watching satoshi kon you should check out millennium actress, which is imo his best movie.

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      2 years ago

      This MFer really out here recommending Temple of Doom but calling out Spider-man 3 for a dip in quality

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        2 years ago

        Yeah that's a good point. I do honestly like spider-man 3, but it's a very slim chance it lands with most people. I haven't watched any Indiana Jones movies in a while, so I forgot to mention it.