• AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    germany requires all dogs and dog owners to be licensed and expertly trained.

    That licensing is in most cases only to tax the owners. The training is just needed for Listenhunde (listed dogs, as in: a more or less random list of various stigmatized "fighting" breeds that miraculously excludes german sheperds, but will include every large breed popular in racialized / pauperized communities). When i'm out and about, i see a lot of completely overburdened owners being walked by their dogs while meekly whispering "[dog name] no, n-no", but we also have plenty of people who take training their dog seriously. We have this saying here when dogs cause some issue, "the problem is always on the other end of the leash", meaning owners who do not properly understand, train and socialize their animal.