Eh honestly I don't hate Chomsky that much. Yeah he has shit takes often but he did cowrite Manufacuring Consent and he does consistently rail against US imperialism, even if sometimes in a misguided way.
I'm not being entirely serious, you gotta take the good takes where you can get them. Atleast Chomsky has a semi-constant presence in main stream media. He's someone you're supposed to start flanking from the left eventually.
that's not Chomsky that's a corpse
:kim-peace: you're welcome
juche necromancy was supposed to be used for actually worthwhile people! :rage-cry:
Eh honestly I don't hate Chomsky that much. Yeah he has shit takes often but he did cowrite Manufacuring Consent and he does consistently rail against US imperialism, even if sometimes in a misguided way.
Baby and bathwater and all that.
I'm not being entirely serious, you gotta take the good takes where you can get them. Atleast Chomsky has a semi-constant presence in main stream media. He's someone you're supposed to start flanking from the left eventually.
How else do you think he realized his mistake? :kim-drip: