The Soviet leadership at the time you go back to will absolutely follow through on your advice.

For me, I'd go back to say the early 60s and tell them to invest absolutely everything they can into computers, cybernetics, linear programming, etc; and using those tools for optimal central planning of the economy. Optimal both in the sense of economic efficiency and for greater democracy in the planning decisions. Get people to feel like they have a say in the economic plans and I think you short-circuit a lot of the consumerist drives. But ultimately, you just need that computing power to run a modern centrally planned economy.

I thought about telling them to make a Xi-like anti-corruption push in the 70s or so (and Andropov was working on that before he died). But I think if you get them to focus on the stuff I mentioned above a lot of the corruption might ultimately sort itself out.

I also thought about telling Stalin that he really needs to think about maybe approaching collectivization of the farms a bit differently. But I don't know what I'd tell him to do differently though. It was a mess at first but eventually the collective farms helped get Soviet agriculture where it needed to be, I think.

  • CheGueBeara [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Invest hard in the generation that fought in WWII, both materially and in teaching high-quality theory and critical analysis, so that the CPSU is lively and powerful enough to oppose/remove the shitty leadership it ended up with and to be flexible in the right ways, including economically and in not fucking over China.

    The ability of the USSR to fail due to the decisions of a few leaders comes from systemic instabilities: they shouldn't have been leadership in the first place and should've been removed when they fucked up.