Someone (who's not banned already) should post this on r/worldnews.

On Jan. 7, the Israeli military struck a car carrying four journalists, calling them terrorists who "operated an aircraft that posed a threat to IDF troops." A new Post investigation finds no evidence of any Israeli forces in the vicinity: Drone footage raises questions about Israeli justification for deadly strike on Gaza journalists

In a statement on Jan. 10, the IDF said a commercially-available Mavic 2 drone operated by well-known freelancer Mustafa Thuraya posed an “immediate threat” to nearby soldiers. The Post reviewed Thuraya's drone footage and saw no Israeli forces.

The Post obtained and reviewed satellite imagery and shared that imagery with outside researchers. No Israeli forces were visible or detected within more than a mile of where Thuraya launched his drone.


The IDF said it had evidence that both men killed in the strike, Thuraya and Hamza, belonged to militant groups. Interviews with 14 witnesses and colleagues gave no indication that either man was operating as anything other than a journalist that day.

Both men had been subject to Israeli security checks, having traveled through IDF checkpoints earlier in the war, and Dahdouh had been cleared by Israel to leave Gaza.
