Seems bad.

    6 months ago

    Lol if Russia or China became hegemony of any significant chunk of the world things would be exactly the same economically (at best, maybe in Russia’s case we’d have more openly oligarchic economical structures the government is run almost exclusively for their interests whereas the US at least sometimes reigns in billionaires historically), but worse socially.

    There is literally no basis for this. It's just an unfalsifiable orthodoxy at this point that only exists to justify American imperialism. Russia or China becoming regional or global hegemons is simply a hypothetical, and you can make anything happen in a hypothetical. The fact is, right now, both countries have very good relationships with the global south. China especially has greatly helped many other nations by building infrastructure with cheap loans that they are often willing to restructure or even outright forgive.

    In some imaginary future where China and Russia make an attempt at world conquest, they will be problems to deal with. There is just nothing to indicate that this is the future we are headed towards. This kind of future makes many assumptions:

    1. China and Russia after a "confrontation" (likely war) with the west will still have enough strength left to become hegemons.
    2. China and Russia want to become hegemons. They can see the troubles the USA keeps getting into because of its hegemonic role, why would they want that?
    3. China and Russia are export economies, relatively self-sufficient, have massive populations and industrial bases. What are they even supposed to gain from establishing empires?