• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Yes, but it is a murder corporation that will give you an HMO plan with a $3000k deductible and 20% copays and match $1 for every $3 you put into a health savings account, which is more than any leftist has ever done for anyone ever.

    Without Lockhead Martin, tens of thousands of Americans would be unable to pay off their five figure student debts or afford their Tesla car note premiums. They couldn't own ranch style property on the California coastline or stimulate the food service economy, where marginalized POC subsist almost entirely on gratuity.

    How much of the Nevada desert would go underdeveloped without Lockhead weapons testing sites? How much of the Arizona real estate would be rural and agricultural, rather than built up into a thriving suburban metroplex?

    Lockhead is critical to the American way of life. If you hate Lockhead, you might as well say you hate America.