Inspired by reading King Leopold's Ghost, which compares the Belgian genocide in late 1800's-early 1900's Congo to the Soviet Gulags, and then reading Imperial Reckoning, which compares the British torture camps in 1950's Kenya to the Soviet Gulags, and also by reading Golden Gulag, which compares mass incarceration in California to, you guessed it...

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Real Communism is arguing with your college friends about politics in a Prussian cafe, but not too loudly because you don't want the King's secret police to snatch you up and throw you in prison.

      All the Mass Line and the Vanguard Party and Internationalism came later, when Radical Anarcho-Fascists like Lenin and Mao and Castro actually got off their asses and did shit.