lmao I can't wait for the hot wars where we all get to learn exactly how much all these missile defense systems just do not function.
The systems can handle X per second. They also don’t scale smoothly. So you can’t just add more guns or cameras.
But you can shoot more missiles at once at it. Which means missile defenses are only useful against much weaker forces.
settler-colonialism's most advanced technology is making it the victim's fault for resisting your genocidal occupation
I feel like if you willingly decide to move your family into an area where rockets are being fired at constantly*
*So that you can commit genocide against the people already living there, which is why they're firing rockets.
I mean there were people that actually had a picnic watching the first few battles of the civil war. Add in that colonizer mindset of "I'm a good guy survivor living defending MY LAND" and you get that kind of shit. Still though 100% agree, fuck around and find out being a colonizer fucking gets you in a active warzone.
So the Palestinians finally got some actual missiles and not firework scarps and the iron Dome fails?
Missile defence is a scam until we get lasers
I haven't seen anyone saying they're anything but shop-made Qassam rockets. Just that this time there was a pretty big volley of them.
any missiles that were on target were intercepted, afaik. the person from the tweet is mistaken.
any violence committed by palestinians against israel is self-defense
I figure we could figure out how well Iron Dome works pretty easily but putting cell-phones in the rocket warheads and just tracking when they stop sending. Probably not going to get that research project funded though.
I wonder if a writer for Cyberpunk 2077 tried to sneak that in as a cyborg porn film title or something.
Still not as bad as the actual Israeli government fanfic superhero of that name
Warning: Cognitohazard
lmao :michael-laugh:
:biden-troll: I left Scranton the first Biden to go to college and I went to college. And I learned a lot of things. A lot of things. How to be a gentleman. Women of the world. Debbie Jones with the braces. Or as we knew her, Iron Dome.
It's not looking good, seem like PIJ going to go all the way, which is bad, tbh.