They've been complaining about it for, like, a half hour straight.

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I kinda like nonprofits take on "cancel culture".

    TLDR: canceling and de-platforming people has always been a thing. Just look at the people who had their shows or record deals cancelled because they spoke out against the Iraq war.

    What really terrifies or rubs a lot of people in media the wrong way about "cancel culture" is that we're seeing the democratization of the process take place and people in old media especially are realizing how little power they have in the process.

    This is not to say there aren't problems or issues with "cancel culture", but it seems almost definitionally reactionary to blanket label it as bad or suggest that things used to be so much better when only studio heads could cancel or shut down voices.