How are we supposed to reach people when they've been taught that greed is good, corporations are communists, up is down, and that liberals are leftists?

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    The Bolsheviks had to deal with superstitious illiterate peasants that believed Jews were vampires and communists wanted to have wives be communal shared with everyone. Not mentioning liberals, monarchists, proto-fascists, military dictators, etc. Who constantly railed against the Soviets.

    I guess what I'm saying is we've faced worse, so chin up and stiff upper lip. We may or may not see anything in our lifetimes but like Noah building his ark we gotta build up the infrastructure of revolution to be ready should the moment to seize the reins of power arise

    • Neckbeard_Prime [they/them,he/him]
      2 years ago

      superstitious illiterate peasants that believed Jews were vampires and communists wanted to have wives be communal shared with everyone

      Literally 4chan

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Tfw Russian 4chan peasants are more revolutionary than your entire country's socialist movement

      • Soap_Owl [any]
        2 years ago

        communists wanted to have wives be communal shared with everyone

        Oh no....

    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      2 years ago

      Exactly, and emphasis on that second part.

      A full-scale revolution isn't possible at this exact moment in history. On the other hand, growing a movement has been proven possible, with the right combination of strategy and support. And a fully-formed movement, in this day and age, would push us forward in ways we can scarcely imagine.

      Consider: :bpp:, :PSL:, :cpusa:, and yes, even :DSA:

      Naturally as you reach certain levels of recognition and power, and create a disruption that can't just be threatened and finger-wagged out of existence, things get more complicated. But here's the important thing: in the 21st century, we haven't reached that level yet. But once we do reach it, new possibilities will always emerge. Even if the change is minor, there will always be something a capable movement can accomplish which it couldn't at an earlier stage.

      I can't stress enough how important it is for movements to think several steps ahead, then plan one step at a time. But in doing that, we often mistake what's possible now for what will be possible by the time we've reached the next step. My point is, not only do a movement's capabilities evolve alongside material conditions, they are also directly changed by every development within.

      In other words, Only once we've seized today will we begin to see tomorrow on the horizon.

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Consider: :bpp: , :PSL: , :cpusa: , and yes, even :DSA:

        Amendment: CPUSA sucks join PCUSA (if your ideological stance aligns with the party program of course).

        This message has been brought to you by PCUSA gang. :hammer-sickle:

    • 20000bannedposters [love/loves]
      2 years ago

      We faced worse when you could control the information flow much more easily. Now it's just tiktoks straight to the brain making you insane