:grillman: I don't have social media so this the first I've heard of it. It seems stupid...

    • keatsta [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It sucks cause I really liked Dark Brandon in the first context I saw it, which was this tweet where he says very bizarre things about drunk driving not being a felony and therefore not worthy of arrest. I liked the idea of highlighting moments of senility as instead a sort of "dark evil energy" taking over Biden, like Yugi and Yami Yugi in the first arcs of Yugioh. My friends and I would joke about how in the clip where he talks about "voting for the other Biden" that the other Biden was Dark Brandon. I remember one night getting into hysterics thinking about "Dark Brandon declares sober driving illegal, says driving 'should be cool, beers and babes'". It was hilarious to me.

      BUT FRIGGIN LIBS RUINED IT LIKE ALWAYS AND I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW. Like the lib meme is that he's getting a bunch of stuff done? How is that dark????

      • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I think it's kind of an unconscious admission that the dems aren't really supposed to do anything, it's enough to try and fail but never actually challenge bourgeois power - so him "getting things done" is a dark vision of the dems (also Biden is responsible for these things passing but isnt responsible when dems do shitty things lol). And then libs like to imagine that any of these provisions will attack power, I guess capping some prices of drugs is actually an attack on unconstrained bourgeois power into something very slightly more constrained (of course, compare this to simply provisioning drugs based on need and using defence production act to manufacture them outside the market economy). So maybe this tiny little constraint in an otherwise neoliberal agenda is a dark version of Biden.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        Biden literally shaking his finger at black people says a whole lot without words.