It's that time again! A day early, but just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing! Anything cool or exciting going on the past week you wanna talk about? Anything got you down? This is the spot, good or bad.

Remember you are loved :stalin-heart:

For my own part, been feeling pretty good lately! I'm getting better about not sitting around and zoning out as much, and we added an extra tour date or two so now we'll be on the road for 16 straight days! I have some thoughts about being gone for so long (nothing bad, just pup related thoughts), but I'm beyond thrilled to be hitting the road like this again! Beyond that, really enjoying Psychonauts 2, and have been getting REALLY into ghost stories and creepy paranormal shows and stuff the past week or two. That's all for now! Hope you're all well!

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Each book took roughly a year from start to finish, and I started writing the first in late 2019 for 2020 release.

    I put a lot more effort into them than I would have probably agreed to if I had just started and could look forward and see what it took, but it's done. The next novel I have in mind will have a completely different setting, atmosphere, mood, and plot to it, but I think it will keep me sane to not have a trilogy pre-planned for it.

    Most people that I've shown the books have had positive reception, but the challenge (frustratingly so) is getting enough people to try them, or for that matter to leave reviews so there's at least some chance of others seeing them from the almighty algorithm.

    As it stands, because I'm not an influencer, and because I wrote something that didn't tidily fit into the "my boyfriend is a billionaire werewolf Navy SEAL" or "steely-eyed middle-aged military tryhard makes the prospective feeemale waifus with important patrilineal legacies remember their daddy issues while he does war crimes to stick it to those stuffy politicians and/or bureaucrats that tried to prevent him from 'completing the mission'" dichotomies of SEO-maximizing pandering literature, it's an uphill fight and I'm tired.