This post is in response to my earlier one, talking about peaceful protesters being arrested in Tallahassee here.

Apologies for the delay, but good news! We were able to get 14 of the 15 arrestees free before the end of the night! Tallahassee actually has a curfew set in place in order to squash protests but a lot of hard work and phone calls from many people, alongside the amazing amount of support we got allowed us to prevent them from spending the night in that hellhole. Massive thank you to the people who chipped in to the bail fund, we honestly couldn't have been able to do it without you all.

As I write this, however, there is one protester who is still arrested. Skyler Hammer was arrested for linking arms with another person while they were being placed under arrest and the judge assigned to his case isn't giving up too easily. He's a pretty notable pro-cop judge, and it really doesn't help that Hammer has an outstanding no-bond warrant out for violating probation. We're gonna do our best to help him out, and I'll do my best to keep you all updated if interested.