Tryna start bringing lunch into the office instead of buying a sandwich every day and I figure I might as well try to make it vegan if I can

Death to America

  • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
    2 years ago

    idk what your argument is, people are literally getting food poisoning from their cook times being insufficient,

    Graph in soybean source shows this is heavily temperature dependent.

    mentions nothing about soak or lectin content, tbh this was the worst source

    If a soak (which can be done in one hour with the “power soak” method

    idk what this is but google indicates it's a pressure cooker thing which, again, uses higher temperatures than are otherwise possible

    idk why we're arguiong I'm too drunk to continue the point is soak yer dang beans because they have literal poison in them and make sure you know what you're doing

    ricin is a got dang lectin, bobby :Bwaaa:

    • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
      2 years ago

      mentions nothing about soak or lectin content, tbh this was the worst source

      The text specifies that these beans were soaked.

      idk what this is but google indicates it’s a pressure cooker thing which, again, uses higher temperatures than are otherwise possible

      Nothing to do with pressure cookers, it's the modern name for "quick soak" described in that article. As seen here, here. Some people are doing the same thing with an instant pot, bringing it to a boil and then letting it sit. You don't need to soak beans before boiling as long as they're fully cooked.

      People get sick from lectin because they cook at insufficient temperatures, not because they skip the soak. Source:

      In seven of the incidents the beans were soaked prior to cooking, although in one instance for 3 h only (episode 3) and the subsequent cooking periods varied. In two instances the beans were soaked but not cooked prior to consumption (episodes 5 and 6). In only one incident was it stated that the beans were boiled (episode 2).

      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
        2 years ago

        The text specifies that these beans were soaked

        Oh my fucking god, yes, I know, and you don't, you specifically avoid mentioning it

        haven’t tried the “Quick Soaking Beans or Power Soak” method yet. But basically, just bring a pot of water to boil, add your beans, and then let them boil for about three minutes. After boiling, remove the beans from the stove and let them sit in the hot water for 2-6 hours. This method apparently removes 80 percent of complex bean sugars. How does that toot your horn?

        Lmao literally advises 2-6 hour soak despite PoWeR sOaKiNg

        People get sick from lectin because they cook at insufficient temperatures, not because they skip the soak. Source:

        I'm going to go with the multiple sources you literally yourself cited indicating the need for a soak instead of just telling people "yea brah just cook them 10 minutes"


        In only one incident was it stated that the beans were boiled (episode 2).

        Wow fam looks like that boiling temp really does the job 100%

        Have fun getting people sick

        • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Graph in soybean source shows this is heavily temperature dependent.

          mentions nothing about soak or lectin content, tbh this was the worst source

          The text specifies that these beans were soaked.

          Oh my fucking god, yes, I know, and you don’t, you specifically avoid mentioning it

          I relied on this source specifically and only for this graph shape and did not "specifically avoid" the fact that it was about soaked soybeans. Why would soaking overnight radically change the shape of temp-time curve? The graph will look similar for same aqueous reaction in unsoaked kidney beans.

          The "power soak" thing is the same as the LA Times author did: bring to a boil, let sit one hour. Bon Appetit appears to have coined the phrase, so take their definition as authoritative since you are not familiar with it firsthand. I defined the term so you know what I mean; don't play Reddit semantics games.

          I see no evidence of people boiling unsoaked kidney beans until palatable (~2h) and getting sick, and plenty of evidence of people doing that and not getting sick. So we have an upper bound. For unsoaked beans, the 15 minute cook time for lectin deactivation in soaked beans is a lower bound. Because quick soaking (15m additional water time) is effective, I think the lectin deactivation time in unsoaked kidney beans is probably below the 30 minute mark at 100C, far faster than the beans soften. What do you think the lectin deactivation time in unsoaked kidney beans is? If you think it's something stupid, I will happily eat a couple hard-ass unsoaked kidney beans at the 30m mark if you promise to apologize when I don't get sick. You reason like you're still drunk.

          • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
            2 years ago

            I relied on this source specifically and only for this graph shape and did not “specifically avoid” the fact that it was about soaked soybeans

            you specifically avoid mentioning soaking beans at all, for some weird fucking reason, despite citing scientific studies which explicitly indicate pre soaking the beans to achieve the lectin deactiviation time tables you are stating

            Why would soaking overnight radically change the shape of temp-time curve?

            Why would your own sources continue to soak them if it were entirely unnecessary

            The graph will look similar for same aqueous reaction in unsoaked kidney beans.

            k bro

            The “power soak” thing is the same as the LA Times author did: bring to a boil, let sit one hour

            wow sounds like it's still soaking hmm curious

            I see no evidence of people boiling unsoaked kidney beans until palatable (~2h) and getting sick

            beans were boiled, still got sick, your own source lmao

            15m additional water time

            weird how you literally state it as boil, soak for an hour plus, but now say "15m additional time"

            If you think it’s something stupid, I will happily eat a couple hard-ass unsoaked kidney beans at the 30m mark if you promise to apologize when I don’t get sick.

            have fun since you're literally ignoring all your own sources re: power soaking

            You reason like you’re still drunk.

            you reason like a dipshit and I wish you'd stop responding so I wouldn't be forced to see it because this site doesn't let me just block you or deactivate inbox response

            I'm done, ignoring your next response

            • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
              2 years ago

              Why would soaking overnight radically change the shape of temp-time curve?

              Why would your own sources continue to soak them if it were entirely unnecessary

              that's just how people cook beans, of course they test it that way. as you will learn from reading literally any recipe, soaking beans makes them softer.

              I see no evidence of people boiling unsoaked kidney beans until palatable (~2h) and getting sick

              beans were boiled, still got sick, your own source lmao

              You really think that this person boiled unsoaked beans for two hours and got sick? (a) that's not specified in the source and (b) why would beans take 15 minutes to be safe when soaked, but more than two hours when not soaked?

              15m additional water time

              weird how you literally state it as boil, soak for an hour plus, but now say “15m additional time”

              Per LA Times, if you cook black beans without soaking it takes two hours. If you quick soak, it takes 1 hour + 1h15m. 15m additional water time.

              Absolutely insane behavior. Eight pathetic line-split Redditor rebuttals but you're afraid to take a position on how long unsoaked kidney beans need to be cooked. Get it together man.

              • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
                2 years ago

                that’s just how people cook beans, of course they test it that way. as you will learn from reading literally any recipe, soaking beans makes them softer.

                lol k guy who forgot beans have lectins to begin with

                Per LA Times, if you cook black beans without soaking it takes two hours. If you quick soak, it takes 1 hour + 1h15m. 15m additional water time.

                all over the place with the damn beans, kidney beans have 30,000-70000 HAU of lectins, idk what black beans have but I guarantee it's significantly lower

                guess what, even fully fucking cooked kidney beans still have a lectin content of 200-400 HAU, in the range of entirely uncooked lentils, but go off believing it's all 100% destroyed by a 10 minute boil

                go off ignoring the fucking function of your power soak

                Absolutely insane behavior

                Eat my fucking asshole

                  • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
                    2 years ago

                    I told you, I'm fucking done you debate bro piece of shit, the fucking FDA literally recommends a 5 hour soak for raw kidney beans, to prevent illness, not for fucking palatability

                    Studies done by British scientists suggest that beans should be soaked in water for at least 5 hours, the water poured away, and the beans boiled in fresh water for at least 30 minutes


                    If the massive amounts of lectins in kidney beans are fully deactivated by a 10 minute boil (the presence of 200-400 HAU in fully cooked beans should tell you that they fucking aren't) then why recommend throwing out the water? Just drink that shit up, you fucking moron

                    • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
                      2 years ago

                      How long do unsoaked kidney beans need to be cooked at 100C? Take a position, coward.

                      I’m done, ignoring your next response

                      you can't even commit to not replying. what do you do for fun, road rage?


                      The syndrome usually is caused by ingestion of raw, soaked kidney beans, either alone or in salads or casseroles. Several outbreaks have been associated with beans cooked in slow cookers (i.e., countertop appliances that cook foods at low temperatures for several hours) or in casseroles that had not reached an internal temperature high enough to destroy the glycoprotein lectin.

                      Remember when I said "People get sick from lectin because they cook at insufficient temperatures, not because they skip the soak"?

                      • AmericaDelendeEst [any]
                        2 years ago

                        the fda just recommends a 5 hour soak, specifically mentioning to throw away the water used, for no reason, just fun, just to make people waste water

                        power soak some beans and drink it hope it makes you shit yourself to death

                        • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
                          2 years ago

                          are you drinking bean water normally? even from a can you drain and rinse lol.

                          How long do unsoaked kidney beans need to be cooked at 100C? Are you afraid to commit and be proven wrong? I've avoiding directly wishing you harm because I expect it's against site rules. I will not do it in this comment either. If you're right, pick a number and cause me harm irl. Otherwise go seethe somewhere else.