What does it mean for workers to collectively own means of production? Am I supposed to own only the laboratory I work at or everything everywhere? What if I decide to change a place of employment? Why doesn't owning it though the intermediary of the state and your representative in the communist party qualify?

  • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
    2 years ago

    But if a bourgeois state like the US suddenly started investing in social welfare…

    The US cannot start investing in social welfare because it is dominated by the bourgeoise who don’t prioritize that. If they had to made some concessions to society to stabilize it, it would be social imperialism because it is funded by American imperialist extraction of other nations. China is not imperialist, they don’t rely on foreign extraction and have managed to develop and industrialize peacefully - something no bourgeois state has ever accomplished.

    No bourgeois state has ever enacted social welfare without imperialism. Capitalism requires an exploited class, if it isn’t domestic then it will be abroad (usually it’s both).

    their policies have lead to enormously improved quality of life

    Can you find a single example of a bourgeois state that industrialized and made enormous improvements in quality of life without imperialism? China did it, no bourgeois state has ever done so. They either become part of the imperialist bloc and industrialize through blood and theft, or they wallow in poverty.

    • maya [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      This is a super good point, I'm in the imperial core and I still forget a lot how much I benefit from colonial exploitation.