What does it mean for workers to collectively own means of production? Am I supposed to own only the laboratory I work at or everything everywhere? What if I decide to change a place of employment? Why doesn't owning it though the intermediary of the state and your representative in the communist party qualify?

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Yes and no, on the one hand, these guys are the direct descendent of the Left-Councilists Lenin critiques (or, more correctly the Bordigaists that are often confused with them.) On the other hand the Councilists were unequivocally in critical support of the October Revolution, and even Bordiga wouldn't go as far as this guy.

    As I've mentioned here before, The USSR didn't claim to have achieved Socialism, even in the lowest stage, until the 70s (and that's widely been seen as premature). China has a Socialist government forming a DotP, but does not claim to have built a Socialist society yet.

    I think the DPRK does claim it, but the DPRK has gone far enough from standard Marxist forms that I'm not sure the standard theoretical framework works as well anymore (Critical support to the DPRK of course).