And I don't see how anyone could think it is. Motorists kill a shit ton of people, a vastly greater quantity of other animals, and that's just in terms of the billions of animals that die in physical collisions, not even accounting for those who die due to air pollution, noise pollution, car-driven habitat destruction, and climate change.

Every year our nation's experimenters kill 100 million lab animals, hunters kill 200 million "game" animals, and motorists kill nearly 400 million road animals. Only America's meat-eaters take a larger toll than its motorists.

Ride a bike y'all.

  • Plants [des/pair]
    2 years ago

    Wow I can't believe I never knew this

    I'm starting to think the foundational issue of so many of our world problems is cars. From animal rights to environmental justice.

    Fighting for dense transit focused development might be one of the most effective projects we can engage in