Roger Waters - Comfortably Numb, Bad Empanada - Confident and Dumb

  • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Except that libs like him consider any anti-NATO argument as pro-Russia.

    He literally says in the video that waters is right when he says NATO broke their promise of not expanding eastward. It's very telling you never watched a single video by them lol (not like i could blame you, i have better things to do usually as well)

    • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Tell me he wouldn’t ban SeventyTwoTrillion or Granit or Z Poster or myself. He would in an instant just for saying what we do on the news thread

      If his bar for what he bans includes anti-imperialist principled communists then it’s a bad bar

      • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        I don't know about Granit, i highly doubt he would ban SeventyTwo, Z Poster literally supported Russia and were very open about it. You are somewhere there i think as well.

        I don't think myself it's principled antiimperialism when we are sincerely hoping one bloc with imperial ambitions (no, putin won't conquer Europe but they are clearly in Ukraine for their own political interest, which are purely capitalistic) triumphs over another but that's a different story and everyone here knows i'm an anarkiddie/trot/ultra anyway :shrug-outta-hecks:

        • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Was Russia being imperialist in Syria?

          Is Iran being imperialist in Yemen and Palestine?

      • Vncredleader
        2 years ago

        You're getting angry at a hypothetical ban on a different platform.

          • Vncredleader
            2 years ago

            all of you calm down. Maybe that's true, and maybe you are getting worked up over what a third party would hypothetically do and whether that means this poster is good or bad. everyone calm down. This is not even a struggle session, just personal sniping and bad faith. I may not be a mod but all of you need to cool off and disengage. No "well blank started it", this is just sectarian at this point, ultra being a sectarian term or not doesn't really change that.

            Yinz are better than this

            • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
              2 years ago

              I’m just tired of people here defending these anti-China chauvinist breadtubers who are sectarian, then calling the people who point this out sectarian.

              • Vncredleader
                2 years ago

                Sure, but at the same time one can easily say that people shut down just about any critique of China here as sectarian. Being a leftist who's ideology is not aligned with China sure as heck is gonna seem "sectarian" here. I've been on both sides of this argument too many times, and know why everyone is defensive, but that's why I'm saying its unproductive. It always becomes a memorandum on breadtube and then China. It becomes a conversation ender and a whole lot of bad faith arguing. If any time BE is brought up it becomes a fight over if you can criticize china or if its just bad criticism and then who decides what is bad criticism, then we really are a sectarian mess. We allow posting about people who are sectarian, but sectarian swipes at one another HERE, including stuff not on the topic of the post is just going to get bad fast.

                I can totally see why the other poste would feel like everyone was being super hostile. I get being woried about "ultra" becoming a thought terminating cliché, because it has become that in quite a lot of places including here. Heck I've seen people here say that any MLM is an ultra and because they dont approve of the current PRC they are fair targets for sectarianism, and when the Naxalites and NPA are mentioned in response they swore they are not MLMs "because MLMs are ultras and bad" essentially, but they know those groups are on the whole cool. Like it does become a self repeating "criticism of china means lib or ultra, and ___ are ultras so they are anti-china/___ are anti-china thus must be ultras" and that becomes the analysis. This was just discussed in another thread, by those standards the NPA in the Philippines should not be defended here and posting something the CPP said at all must be met with complaints about their stance on china. Heck we have Brace emotes and have posts about every ep of trueanon and Brace is pretty much of the same view as BE on China

                It becomes exhausting for everyone

      • TrashCompact [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Z-Poster was definitely something of an actual Russia stan. The name is a giveaway.

        I do miss their non-harassment contributions to the site, though.