Castile soap is an olive oil based hard soap made in a style similar to that originating in the Castile region of Spain. The origins of Castile soap go back to the Levant, where Aleppo soap-makers have made hard soaps based on olive and laurel oil for millennia. Early soap-makers in the Mediterranean area did not have easy access to laurel oil and therefore dropped it from their formulations, thereby creating an olive-oil soap now known as Castile soap.

In the 17th century, the soap caused controversy in England, since it supplanted the unnamed local soap after the Spanish Catholic manufacturers purchased the monopoly on the soap from the cash-strapped Carolinian government. Its ties to Catholicism caused a public-relations campaign to be established, featuring washerwomen showing how much more effective local soaps were than Castile soap. The sale of a monopoly in Protestant England to a Catholic company caused a great uproar, ending with the Castile soap company eventually being stripped of the monopoly.

Nabulsi soap is a type of castile soap produced only in Nablus in the West Bank, Palestine. Its chief ingredients are virgin olive oil (the main agricultural product of the region), water, and an alkaline sodium compound. The finished product is ivory-colored and has almost no scent. Traditionally made by women for household use, it had become a significant industry for Nablus by the 14th century. In 1907 the city's 30 Nabulsi soap factories were supplying half the soap in Palestine. Project Hope and other local non-governmental organizations market the soap in the West to raise funds for their other community projects.

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  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    2 years ago

    It’s obviously based that he called Biden a war criminal, but I think the point was mostly that Waters got there pretty much exclusively through campism and that is not based

    I don't fuckin care, all I need from him is more anti-nato, anti-US and anti-biden rhetoric, the western "left" is drowning in the opposite, so don't look a gift horse in the mouth and demand ideological consistency from a goddamn artist of all things, in kinda hilarious when it's the mls being less dogmatic than whatever ultra tendency you happen to be

    Good luck telling the Yemenis and the Palestinians that they’ll be saved by a multi polar world when both poles are against their existence and contribute to their genocide

    This is so fuckin dumb, you do realize Yemenis and Palestinians are being genocided under the current uni-polar world, so positing some ahistorical hypothetical about future genocide is pretty disingenuous, yeah I'd like to see how Israel and Saudi Arabia fair without US arms, funding, intelligence and the dominance of the petrodollar, ask any Yemenis and Palestinian which world they would rather fight their struggle in.

    Russia can invade Ukraine, but do you think it can pull off an Iraq War? A total sanction of Iran or Cuba? A Libya? A drone war in Pakistan? A shadow war in the Sahel? Hundreds of billions in arms and funds divvied out to 15 dictators year after year? All of that simultaneously?

    And we’re communists not multipolarityists the world becomes a better place with more socialist projects, not just different factions / pecking order of hegemonic states.

    See this right here is where the ultras utterly lose the plot, historically communist and socialist struggles have always advanced under the rubric of the multipolar world, the opposite is a uni-polar world which always implies a hegemonic superpower, which is NOT a communist goal, ideally, practically, or socially, we want multiple experiments out there, regional blocs breaking up the supply chains that feed global capital, the creation of independent networks able to advance the project thru understanding ** local conditions** not blindly following the lead of some western theorists halfway around the world

    Ultimately I don’t think you need to take a side in interimperialist wars, and, that it’s pointless and even harmful to treat west vs Russia China bloc as a spectator sport, instead of just focusing on the working class of the world,

    Ok well that leads all the way back to the original point, it's kinda hard to "FOCUS" on the "working class of the world" when we're dealing with the reality of US global hegemony every second of the day, US imperialism isn't some specter mls made up to distract them from the "The Great Socialist Revolution" it's a concrete global phenomenon that will fuck your shit up if not dealt with, there's no opt out option here

    The US is the underwriter, the guarantor, the Sheriff and the mob boss of global capital, ultras constantly trip head first into idealism tryin to ignore this reality, as if this were 1929, and we're just dealin with a gaggle of decaying empires and then those darn new fangled Soviets who don't want to the push the communism button, those bloody revisionists....fuckin nonsense, live in the real world or don't

    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW Hostile. I'm sorry

      I don’t fuckin care, all I need from him is more anti-nato, anti-US and anti-biden rhetoric, the western “left” is drowning in the opposite

      "I waste my time reading bad takes on reddit and twitter and I'm gonna base my ideology in opposition to them"

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        Imagine existing in this day and believing propaganda doesn't matter, the only thing Waters has going for him is he's famous, that's all I want or need from him

        Also reddit/twitter is a better place to get takes then Twitch, just sayin

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW Hostile. I'm sorry

          the "tankie" proletariet is for sure mostly on twitter and reddit lol

          • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Marxism-Leninism is the dominant political and social movement everywhere in the globe not dominated by parasitic imperialists.

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago
              CW Hostile. I'm sorry, Also this was not a good faith comment iirc

              It is the default ideology and I am right bc I am the default, you simply don't understand

                • Venusta [any]
                  2 years ago

                  do you currently live in the west ?

                    • Venusta [any]
                      2 years ago
                      CW Hostile, but not sorry, that was rude

                      oh boy keep on going, bugs seems a little tame

    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW hostile, I'm sorry

      I don’t fuckin care, all I need from him is more anti-nato, anti-US and anti-biden rhetoric, the western “left” is drowning in the opposite, so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and demand ideological consistency from a goddamn artist of all things, in kinda hilarious when it’s the mls being less dogmatic than whatever ultra tendency you happen to be

      and it's back to sectarianism :rosa-salute: you will receive your social credit score and Xi bucks in the mail shortly

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        That is basically the ML (aes) justification that some people have where anti americanism and critical support can just replace critical thinking, where any state is anti imperialist if it does something that’s anti west even if it meets all of Lenin’s and others definitions of imperialism as long as it reduces US unipolarity and all the other details are mostly irrelevant.

        Strawmanning other tendencies with ridiculous caricatures is sectarian, I never hit first, but push me I'll push back :shrug-outta-hecks:

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW Hostile. I'm sorry

          When you say Russia invading a country is somehow antiimperialist that is is the face of the most popular and regarded definitions of imperialism, and, that is a common take, I don't think that would be disputed. A better word for it would be anti west, but anti imperialism makes you sound smarter and less campist

          • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Where are the people on Hexbear who say that Russia invading Ukraine is anti-Imperialist?

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago


              just type russia imperialist in the search box, although prior months are disabled

              • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                2 years ago

                They said that Russia is part of the anti-imperialist bloc, not that Russia invading Ukraine is anti-imperialist.

                • Venusta [any]
                  2 years ago

                  if you are part of an "anti-imperialist bloc", an invasion you do is by that logic anti imperialist, you literally cannot perform imperialism if your state is inherently somehow anti imperialist in nature

                  • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    You're working backwards from your belief that all the icky Marxist-Leninists are campists who believe that enemies of the US can do no wrong.

                    • Venusta [any]
                      2 years ago

                      I don't think that at all, most are not like that and pleasant, mostly just the ones that rant about western chauvinist radlibs and ultras

                      • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                        2 years ago

                        mostly just the ones that rant about western chauvinist radlibs and ultras

                        Haven't come across a lot of MLs who don't hate all these people. Hard to understand why they wouldn't.

                        • Venusta [any]
                          2 years ago

                          western chauvinist radlibs are all just word soup insults that don't mean anything other than you are mad

                          and ultras is literally the same insult as tankies but just for tankies lol

                          • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                            2 years ago

                            You've conceded that Americans would commit genocide for McDonalds, yet you don't think that there's chauvinism reflective of that among Americans who call themselves Leftists? Where have these people undergone re-education? How did they unlearn all the propaganda from the Fourth Reich in which they reside?

                            • Venusta [any]
                              2 years ago

                              Not as much as people like to imply there is, maybe redditors and people on twitter, but the way it's used here is just to disagree, also 90% of the people who say it are from the west (specifically Ohio) and it's asinine to add that in as if having "the based views" makes you # not like the other westerners

                              • Venusta [any]
                                2 years ago

                                it is almost just copied from content creators like bayarea and it sounds like a very epic own you can throw out to instantly just win arguments, you know people haven't read a lot of theory when they speak a sentence that's 90% buzzwords / word soup copied from the sidebar of the reddits

              • Venusta [any]
                2 years ago


                another one

                • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
                  2 years ago

                  Ambiguous. Russia is objectively countering coups. If the later sentence is meant to imply that therefore the invasion is anti-imperialist, that's stupid.

                  • Venusta [any]
                    2 years ago

                    that posters really likes the guy who just posted Z a lot, and wants him unbanned, so I don't think his analysis runs too deep

    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW Hostile. I'm sorry

      why does China trade with Israel and Saudi Arabia rn ? Why would that magically stop if they gained more hegemony ? sounds like you're the one being ahistorical

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        2 years ago

        Chinese trade with Israel is microscopic and China engages in it because Israel is a major tech and pharma hub thru which American IP tech could be acquired semi-legally

        China has a $24 billion trade deficit with Saudi Arabia out of a 16 trillion dollar economy, also it's a major energy nexus, you know energy, that thing you need for rapid industrialization

        Either way your point is mute, those countries exist by the grace of the US, should China become a "hegemon" (which is not something China actually wants), the concept of Chinese trade with those countries is transformed overnight

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago

          google search

          China is also Israel's third largest trading partner and export market after the United States and the European Union with China being Israel's largest export market in East Asia.

          well that was a fucking lie

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            2 years ago

            I'm only commenting cause I don't want others to be misled by you, you're a troll, and you revealed your colors in another thread

            So I'll point out the obvious, 10 billion in trade is microscopic

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago
              CW Hostile.

              lmao I'm a troll, :cursed: okok

        • Venusta [any]
          2 years ago
          CW Hostile. I'm sorry. Also you didn't help the situation by putting ultras into your response like 5 times.

          You don't really care about this conversation other than justifying your own insecure and shallow beliefs, you wouldn't have turned to writing "ultras" like 5 times in your response

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            2 years ago

            I literally answered in good faith but ok get butthurt because you don't anything about global macro-economics

            Also stop obsessing over stupid internet posting labels, yes internet ultras are universally dumb and idealistic, your conception of "sectarianism" doesn't exist in the real world

            • Venusta [any]
              2 years ago
              CW Hostile. I'm sorry

              I literally answered in good faith

              yes internet ultras are universally dumb and idealistic, your conception of “sectarianism” doesn’t exist in the real world


    • Venusta [any]
      2 years ago
      CW hostile. I'm sorry

      I'm gonna do this once to see how it feels, bc the arguments here are so fn bad / bad faith , .... tankie