• eduardog3000 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I can’t overall figure out what is real. That is, there are things presented as actors and as rehearsals, which are clearly actors, but there are people presented as real – but how scripted is the show? Are the “real” people even real, or are they actors too?

    Yeah I'm wondering that too. One example is in episode 3 where


    They copied the "real" person's inheritance situation - down to the "real" person needing to change the grandpa's diaper - and put him through that copy so he can emotionally rehearse, with it actually feeling real to him.

    But I have no idea how the "real" person wouldn't have picked up on that, it seemed pretty blatant.

    But on the opposite side later in the episode Nathan talked about how other people can "immerse themselves with so little effort", "just believe", and "gather only what they need to know, and ignore the rest". So thinking that, maybe the above seems blatant to me (being autistic) but the "real" person immersed himself enough to not pick up on it.

    But if the "real" people are actors, someone will find their IMDb pages eventually.