• hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Imo one of the things that gets lost when trying to paint a broad "good guys vs bad guys" narrative in some conflicts (often because a simplified narrative is necessary when justifying intervention), even ones that end up genocidal in scale is how this stuff escalates. I remember Radio War Nerd discussing how in the initial onset of the Balkan conflicts of the 90s it was localized stochastic ethnic violence, followed by series of retributions, and this went on for months before escalating and involving centralized governments. Just because it's "random people" and it's stochastic violence, doesn't mean that people with institutional power won't be involved eventually, and it doesn't mean they won't take a side in what could end up a massacre.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I don't disagree with you on that.

      Yesterday I saw a tweet in a thread by David Frum. It's basically an endorsement of DeSantis but the wording and the context gives Frum deniability. If DeSantis becomes president - Frum can always say "Trump would be worse."

      Others disagree, but in my opinion, a DeSantis GOP nomination in 2024 represented a much better outcome for the whole country than a Trump return. Maybe you don't like DeSantis's manner or record, but he's a recognizably normal US politician. If defeated, he'd go peacefully. 9/x


      Not only is DeSantis probably 100 times worse than Trump - his presidency would surely usher in open Christo Fascism with neo-brownshirts (white guys in wraparound Oakleys in camo) beating people on the street with impunity. And somehow the cops and the FBI never manage to even ID them much less arrest them. Eventually it will escalate to murder.

      I'm Jewish and so is Frum. Somewhere in his poisoned brain - Frum must realize that even though Jews won't be the first targets - the fascists will get to us eventually. That's how it works. I bet he even knows the etymology of the word pogrom...

      Yiddish and Russian, literally "devastation", from pogromit "destroy by the use of violence".

      There's no asterisk that says *devastation will end at edge of gated communities where right-wing Jews live. But Frum has convinced himself that people like him could never face any consequences. It simply is an impossibility. Frum will have to wait until somebody he knows he knocked to the ground by some rando who laughs and calls him a stupid Jew. Frum's acquiesce will call 911, the cops will come, and the cops laugh at him too.

      • rubpoll [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Frum will have to wait until somebody he knows he knocked to the ground by some rando who laughs and calls him a stupid Jew. Frum’s acquiesce will call 911, the cops will come, and the cops laugh at him too.

        And then Frum will blame people who called for defunding the police.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          That too. Oops. That's a notable oversight on my part. He'll write a 10,000 word article on defund in The Atlantic that nobody will read but right-wingers (and libs too) will quote.

          "Violent attacks upon minorities must be understood through the prism of public attitudes towards the law and law enforcement. The 'defund the police' movement began a process of..." SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!

          • Camaron29 [he/him]
            2 years ago

            It will probably be some bullshit about how that movement sent "rational cops" to the arms of the far right.

            • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
              2 years ago

              That certainly sounds like an argument he would make. I can't believe what nonsense passes for "discourse" in the US. Frum the nth example of something who can make vapid, trite argumentation sound good. He used to be a GOP speechwriter. He must be chomping at the bit for non-Trump GOP president.

              He does stuff like ridicule Trump for fetishizing the concept of something being "right out of central casting". But Frum, himself, wants a version of that too. He wants war and violence and hate but he needs for it to be DeSantis or an equivalent. Some vile turd who can speak complete, sane sentences, is in the right-wing brain decent, and who won't embarrass Frum by being a moronic ass hat and kid's party clown in an ill-fitting suit.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        open Christo Fascism with neo-brownshirts

        If I was DeSantis I'd finish what trump started; Purging the civil service and executive branch and installing people loyal to me and my ideology. And DeSantis has an ideology in a way that Trump really doesn't.

        so is Frum

        I will never understand right wing Jews. The only way it makes sense is if you've got an escape plan to get to Israel and can leave at any moment, because otherwise you're constantly making common cause with people who hate you and want to exterminate you, and for the most part they're not even subtle about it. Like they're either completely delusion and think that the rest of the Right are genuinely their allies, or they think they can play with fire and duck out right before they get incinerated. I really don't understand it.

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          I assume DeSantis probably doesn't care if people get murdered on the street or not. But he wants power above all else. And I can imagine that if he's the president and he feels it will help him he says the "streets needs to be cleaned of... problems" knowing full-well that the hogs know that problems means filth. And that's anybody the hogs want to beat on or worse.

          I hope I'm wrong but every time I watch even a brief clip of that turd - I get tense and my stomach knots up. I'm sure of one thing beyond any doubt - he's a vile fucker.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            2 years ago

            I hope I’m wrong

            Nah he absolutely is that fascist. He's not going to stop at forcing every trans person in Florida to de-transition. He needs enemies to keep the CHUD's blood up, so he'll find the enemies he needs.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      In the US the Cops are a sleeping nightmare that could activate and begin sectarian killings on an enormous scale at any time.

      • OperationOgre [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        During the racial justice protests in 2020 I was somewhat shocked to see how much power cops had over city governments. It became clear to me then that mayors govern with the consent of the police, and not the other way around

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yeah I think it's pretty indisputable at this point that cities have no control what so ever over the police forces. Every attempt at defunding failed and the cops punished entire cities for trying with work stoppages, overt harassment campaigns (helicopters circling over residential areas all night) and the I'm sure there were murders.