On this day in 1823, more than 10,000 enslaved Guyanese people rose up against their masters to demand better working conditions. While rebels generally abhorred violence, holding whites hostage in their homes and stockades to make demands, the state declared martial law, killing hundreds of people and displaying their corpses as a warning to the survivors.

The revolt took place in modern day Guyana, then the British colony of Demerara-Essequibo. The colony's primary export was sugar, and black slaves drastically outnumbered other groups on the island. The year of the uprising, the population consisted of approximately 2,500 whites, 2,500 freed blacks, and 77,000 slaves.

The rebellion was closely linked to the church of John Smith, a British missionary. One of the primary instigators of the uprising was Jack Gladstone, the son of Quamina, a prominent member of Smith's church.

Upon learning of his son's plans, Quamina opposed the revolt, urging the planners to initiate a strike instead, and to not use violence. Quamina also informed John Smith of the plans, which Smith declined to disclose to the authorities.

On August 18th, 1823, more than 10,000 slaves rose up against their masters to demand better treatment and more rights as slaves. Slaves generally abhorred violence, choosing instead to hold whites hostage in their homes and stockades as leverage with which to make their demands. Despite the large scale of the revolt, some slaves stayed loyal to their masters and defended their plantations.

The Governor immediately declared martial law, and, when a crowd of 2,000 slaves refused to disperse on order of a colonial militia, soldiers fired into the crowd, killing hundreds of people. Within two days, the rebellion was suppressed.

In the weeks following the suppression of uprising, the colonizers executed dozens of slaves, displaying the dismembered heads of those killed as a warning to the rest.

Jack Gladstone was deported to was sold and deported to St. Lucia, while Quamina was hunted down and killed on September 23rd. John Smith was arrested for not informing the government of the plans of rebellion and died in prison. His death became a watershed moment in the British abolitionist movement; he was deemed the "Demerara Martyr".

Under pressure from London, the Demerara Court of Policy passed various reforms for slave labor in 1825, institutionalizing working hours and some civil rights for the enslaved. The British government outlawed slavery in all of its territories in 1838.

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  • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Been reading the modlog. I've got to admit, I'm not liking how @TrashCompact was done dirty. And @A_Serbian_Milf right before that? Fortunately ASM got restored after some protestation. I hope a mod doesn't ban me for "shitstirring" because I expressed mild dissatisfaction. But if you see this, TrashCompact, I hope you appeal.

    • Kanna [she/her]
      2 years ago

      The last thing trashcompact did was go all in on calling furries pedos and misogynists, so I'm not surprised they were banned considering we have a furry comm here

      • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
        2 years ago

        I will go back and reread the modlog because that's not what I remember but I could be really wrong.

        • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
          2 years ago

          ok, I don't know if I quite see it like that. It looks to me more like they're saying the "call me daddy" thing seemingly prevalent in porn/current sexual encounters is problematic. I don't know what to say about that. But I admit I could be wrong and am just missing context here. The thing I do see is the comments removed where they criticized some mod choices recently, something I've been a little worried about too.

    • forcequit [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I'm gonna go with :bait: cos I cbf deciphering the modlog

      • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Yee, the modlog is nigh undecipherable what with regular user deletions and all the logs not being shown by default (mods?). Better than nothing though.

        • forcequit [she/her]
          2 years ago

          idk about logs not showing? Unless you mean the unattributable actions which, fair tbh. Ymmv tho?

          • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
            2 years ago

            Nah, there's a ton of logs that don't show. Most are like "well there's no need to show them" like in the the ban appeal log (the only one that's visible is over a year old, but believe me, there have been a LOT more filed). There is also shit that doesn't make it to the modlog, which is fine. I get it. A lot of it is just pure bullshit. But I think sometimes things fall into that hole that shouldn't? Maybe?

            • gremlin [they/them]
              2 years ago

              comment removals tend to get hidden unless you filter it to just show comment removals

              • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                2 years ago

                Didn't know I could even do that. But I sorted by new and I saw noting of A_Serbian_Milf, TrashCompact, or my own appeal from a week or something ago. Maybe I need to be more up to date on the UI. Still... it feels like people are getting removed for things that... were never before banworthy. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I need to take a step back. But I can't shake the feeling, especially after A_Serbian_Milf got banned for absolutely nothing, that there is maybe just one mod who might possibly be a little ban-happy? Just a thought.

            • forcequit [she/her]
              2 years ago

              I think it differs on where you navigate to it from? Try from the main page or your profile rather than the sidebar of a specific comm.

              Or un/check any relevant filters. Or you could be right idk

          • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
            2 years ago

            I have no idea how it works, I just know I left appeals in the ban appeal thread and they don't show. Just a bunch of user-deleted threads and someone a year ago appealing baning banned from r/food. I made one like... a week ago? A little more maybe. Whatever, it's not there. I'm sure there's some explanation for it and that's not my main complaint here. I just feel like... someone is making bans happen more often, more easy, and for less reason, and it worries me. But then I'm a concern troll. so I should shut up. I don't know. I don't know. I'm tired. None of this really matters. I'd rather not be banned when I wake up and check this. Solidarity to all comrades here. But I'm losing my. brain.. or whatever. goodnight

    • quiet [she/her]
      2 years ago

      done dirty? did you read their removed comments? :thonk:

      also, darn it, it looks like once again I need to switch usernames cause someone else is already posting with a similar one and it would be confusing. I'll see you all in a new account! I love you! you'll know me by my tweeness and exclamation marks! haha

      • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I saw their comments! I couldn't understand why they were any different than a hundred others made here daily.

        You can do as many new usernames as you like and that's great. Other people like to establish a name and personally, I like that because I like the continuity of knowing who I'm talking to. But I have nothing against anyone who wants to keep it mixed up. If someone likes their name and wants to establish some report, it an hurt to get banned and lose it. It can kinda hurt to get banned either way. Which is why it should be reserved for people who deserve it. A_Serbian_Milf did not, and thankfully that was fixed. I don't think TrashCompact did either, but what do I know.

        • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
          2 years ago

          I think you're beginning from a place of assuming the mods are acting as detached wisended arbiters and not behaving exactly like every other moderator of every other website on the internet. If you can't figure out the variable between two cases of moderation that caused different outcomes, just remember that mods are cut from the cloth of the most terminally online petty arguers. The answer is that they felt like doing what they did.

          • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
            2 years ago

            just remember that mods are cut from the cloth of the most terminally online petty arguers.

            Oh believe me, I know too well. I just had hoped they were held (by us) to a higher standard here.

              • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                2 years ago

                I had liked to think we (users) had some kind of uh... view on the "watchers," but I guess that's naive and are we all unless we... da jokah.

                • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
                  2 years ago

                  Ask the posters on userunion how much that view accounts for. Let the silence of their deleted posts be your answer.

                  • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                    2 years ago

                    So this is the hardcore AMAB (all mods are bastards) ideology I've heard about? Is there no escape?

                    Edit.... :fry: or is it mod inapprpriate behavior apologia?

                        • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
                          2 years ago

                          I'm already on a timer here. I'm being openly antagonistic to the mods (my day one account was banned because I called them cliquey in how they were purging the first struggle sessions). On an account where I've already indicated is linked to another account they banned (they didn't like my taiwan take) and asked for it to be unlocked ONE DAY so I could grab some contact info for personal resources I had saved there. So now I'm officially doing a ban evasion. I posted here 100% knowing I would get banned as soon as one noticed. But they fucking suck so fuck them.

                          • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                            2 years ago


                            Braver than the troops comrade.

                            Still I hope not to get banned by association. :coward-emoji?:

                                • cozy [she/her]
                                  2 years ago

                                  :what-the-hell: you guys massively need to log off

                                        • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                                          2 years ago

                                          Nothing was said in bad faith. I have some pretty bad and genuine mental illnesses. Personality disorder, even. Of all the potentially questionable things I've said tonight, that's not one of them. And it is really fucking low that you'd be disparaging of that.

                                          • Kanna [she/her]
                                            2 years ago

                                            None of your posts had anything to do with mental illness, you only brought that up when people started mentioning how ridiculous this comment thread is

                                            • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
                                              2 years ago

                                              I personally don't think it's a wild stretch to respond to a 'haha let's all laugh and watch the people acting weird' comment by bringing up your mental health status if you're someone who grew up with that shit and expected better of a place that says it's better.

                                            • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                                              2 years ago

                                              I'm a regular using an alt because of all the bans that have been happening lately. And so this one will probably get it too. What am I saying that is so bad?::

                                              Edit: how am I being ridiculous?

                                              • Kanna [she/her]
                                                2 years ago

                                                All of this "I'm on an alt for fear of being banned" is genuinely ridiculous. Longtime users talk about mod stuff just fine and never get banned or removed comments

                                                • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                                                  2 years ago

                                                  ... um. that hasn't been how it's been recently. Again, ask A_Serbian_Milf for a CLEAR example, but they are not the only one. Some other lone timers have been banned recently (admittedly some deserved it and it was really surprising) but others didn't. I DO feel like something has changed in the moderator..ship or moderatortariate or whatever. And All I'm doing is expressing that. I haven't said anything so far as I can see that is disparaging to anyone, that is even a tiny bit reactionary, just... fucking expressing some worries when people I respected got banned for reasons that didn't seem bannworthy to me.

                                                  Like I said, I really respect you as a favorite poster. So I'm going to log off and hope I'm not banned in the morning and just forget all of this. Because I depend on this fucking place tbh.

                                              • Kanna [she/her]
                                                2 years ago

                                                Please don't reply to me again on this account or any future account you'll inevitably make

                                        • AllModsAreCops [des/pair]
                                          2 years ago

                                          That little shit was abrasive to me and it counted because I'm mad. I don't care if they blame the condition that makes them come off abrasive. So what if they never actually did anything to me? They should be banned.

                                          Now let's all go back to where we were upvoting me sneering at them for being lame in the first place

                                  • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
                                    2 years ago

                                    Hey. I'll have you know, I touch grass every day. Just ike my cat. Who eats it out of that little square planter.

    • Pisha [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      TrashCompact had also been banned twice before, which is why the ban reason reads "Ban evasion"

      • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Alright, I'll get off this dead horse. I just noticed the same thing they were saying when they got a comment removed for "shitstirring," and it's been eating at me.

      • Kanna [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Lmao you deleted the post that mentioned your ban appeal last week

        • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
          2 years ago

          Kanna, I really like and appreciate your input. But what the fuck, I did NOT delete any comment in the ban appeal thread. Ever. Wtf??

          • Kanna [she/her]
            2 years ago

            Your comment on here mentioned ban appeals including your own

            • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
              2 years ago

              I got banned and it was appealed. It was never explained why I was banned. \

              edit: again, an alt.