Your kids are shit, you're shit, maybe a different sister will give you a better one
When your country's so transphobic that a state pass's what is essentially a child genital inspection law .
(Ohio's anti trans bill literally had a genital inspection clause that was only removed after substantial public backlash)
When your country’s so transphobic that a state pass’s what is essentially a child genital inspection law .
These perverts establish the department of child genital inspection then run around calling their enemies groomers.
be amerishart
go to school
get shot
can't afford emergency care because your social credit score isn't high enough
fail penis inspection day
you are now a man
die of blood loss
(remember that china social credit score is not what western propaganda states)
Freaking based society bro! :so-true:
remember that china social credit score is not what western propaganda states
western propaganda is 20% CIA talking points, 80% braindead mayos
Your kids are shit, you’re shit, maybe a different sister will give you a better one
I'm on your side, but this is pretty shitty
maybe a different sister will give you a better one
I think we are confused about this part, I can't make sense of it
Your kids are shit, you’re shit, maybe a different sister will give you a better one
Maybe they should try jumphumping instead of soaking next time. It could enhance virility maybe?