im super awkward and always have been but man some people have a much more sophisticated awkwardness apparatus I might need to do some training
"Oh my, I can pretend I'm interesting by having a non-mayo partner but they are as bland as me? SOLD SOLD SOLD!"
I'm not sure how or why, but I'm getting sympathy pains throughout the groin and belly
Is this what the children call "cringe"?
Looking at people’s screenshot of their experiences on tinder makes me think I really try hard to find subject to initiate any conversations
Wait this is Tinder? Fuck when did they start handing out blue check marks on tinder? Cursed.
If there was like any sort of lead in, a discussion of noodles or Asian food or ancestry, this might kinda work if the guy seemed ok. But just going for it sight unseen was a ricky move that really could never have paid off.